
„„HEIMATEN“ From the story about Vietnamese contract workers .More than 59,000 Vietnamese workers were employed in East German factories before the fall of the Wall. These so-called contract workers were segregated from the German population. They lost their jobs after reunification and had nowhere to go, as Vietnam was reluctant to take them back.
Photo Copyright by: Ann-Christine Jansson. All rights reserved
Ann-Christine Jansson
born in Sweden, lives and works in Berlin. Since 1980, she has been a freelance photojournalist, both for international newspapers and magazines and for various German magazines such as “Stern”, “Der Spiegel”. Publications in numerous books. Her photographs have been presented in many solo and group exhibitions. She has curated several exhibitions. She was picture editor for “Svenska Dagbladet”, Sweden, and “taz. die tageszeitung”, Berlin. Teaching Photography at the Photocentrum of the Department of Photography at the Gilberto Bosques Community College Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Graduated in art history, education and sociology at Stockholm University.
Anna Pawlicki
born in Poland, lives in Berlin since 1989. She studied camera at the HFF Potsdam. In her documentary photo projects, she explores what self-determination means. Currently she works photografically on invasive plants, smoking women and love couples.
Birgit Hampel
born in the north of Germany, lives and works in Berlin since the late 80s. Studied architecture at the Kunsthochschule Berlin. Architect, editor, lecturer, photographer. Over the years, photography has become her preferred artistic medium with photo book projects and and various exhibition participations.
Beata Böttcher-Sisak
born in Hungary. Based in Berlin for six years and is working as a portrait and event photographer. Exhibitions and publications in Germany and in other foreign countries. Photographic focus: street photography
and everyday situations.
Rick Andersson
born in the East Germany, Works as a documentary photographer and photojournalist. Grew up in the baseball bat years between Lichtenhagen and the Mecklenburg wasteland, Berlin today. Studied political science in Vienna and trained as a media designer in Rostock.
Barbara Martz
geboren in Essen. Abgeschlossenes Studium der Romanistik. Lebt und arbeitet seit 1990 als Lehrerin in Berlin. Seit vielen Jahren Beschäftigung mit der Fotografie. Ausstellungsbeteiligungen wie „unterwegs“, Galerie LAINE-ART Berlin; „nackt“, Galerie Novalis Berlin; „wesen-gewesen“, Alte Feuerwache Berlin.
Kostas Beis
born in Athens. Moved to Berlin 13 years ago. Over the last 15 years he involves in photography.
Jonas Gottfriedsen
born in Berlin. Was first introduced to photography as a child by his grandmother. Sound engineer in Berlin. In 2022 he decided to pursue photography as a field of creative expression. His main focus is sculpture portraits, photographic art and street photography.
Sound engineer in Berlin. In 2022 he decided to pursue photography as a field of creative expression. His main focus is sculpture portraits, photographic art and street photography.
Felix Stridde
born in Bremen, lives and works in Berlin for 12 years. Studied energy and environmental technology in Bayreuth and Leipzig. Self-taught in photography and videography. Works with portrait and concert photography, street and landscapes.
Michael Eun
born in Berlin. Trained as a retail salesman. Lives and works in Berlin. For me, photography means making discoveries. Photographic focus on Berlin and portraits.
Andreas Helle
from East Westphalia, lives in Berlin since 2000. Historian and sociologist, speechwriter and public servant. Numerous publica- tions in academia and politics. For him, photography is a passion that can make visible what is often overlooked without a camera: feeling, memory, Gestalt. Participation in exhibitions, especially in Berlin.
Zuzana Babiaková
born in Slovakia, lives and works in Berlin since 2018. Works in financial project management. Having lived and worked in various countries across Latin America, Asia, and Europe, she is deeply passionate about feminism, equality, and social justice.
Zuzana works in financial project management. Having lived and worked in various countries across Latin America, Asia, and Europe, she is deeply passionate about feminism, equality, and social justice.
Britta Indorf
born in Lower Saxony, lives in Berlin for over 30 years. When taking photographs, she is fascinated by the composition of the images and the closeness to people portrayed. Photo reportage and exhibition about sustainable living: “Footprints”; reportage “Mobility”.